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Student Spotlight - Janey Eilers


Senior Janey Eilers Looking Forward to Her Future.


Janey Eilers has a busy schedule.  She is involved with cheerleading at PHS as well as active on the school track and field team.  She said that she enjoys cheerleading the most since it has allowed her to build great friendships, and through cheer she has also gained leadership skills that she will use in her everyday life.  

Janey has been involved with many volunteer activities at school.  She also helps her great-grandmother with organizations in the community like the local food pantry. 


When asked what her most memorable positive moment from high school was, she said, “My favorite memory from PHS was when Mr. Stephenson brought a book to school about how to find your soulmate and read it to my weights class every day.”  


Her favorite class at PHS is Teaching Internship/Workplace.  She plans to continue down that path after graduation by attending Fort Hays State University and majoring in Speech-Language Pathology. 


If Janey could go back and give her 8th grade self some advice, she would tell the young Janey to take school more seriously.  As far as advice to the current 8th graders, she would tell them to not procrastinate and respect your classmates and teachers.  


Some other information about Janey:

Favorite Day of the Week: Sunday

Favorite Month of the Year: October

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: IHOP

Favorite Food from IHOP: Chicken and Waffles

Favorite Movie of All Time: Little Women

Favorite Color: Pink

Dream Car: Hot Pink Jeep

Something You Love to Do: Read

Something You Hate: Being Sick

Morning or Night Person: Morning

Coffee Drinker: Yes


Question:  If someone made a movie about your life, what would it be called, and who would play the part of Janey Eilers?

Answer:  “The movie would be called Janey’s Journey, and Uma Thurman would play me.” 


Question:  If someone handed you a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would buy?

Answer:  “I would go to the animal shelter and buy all of the puppies.” 




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