It is once again time to start thinking about enrolling students for the 2024-2025 school year.
Returning K-12 Student
Please complete the enrollment forms on PowerSchool if you attended USD 270 last school year.
Click Here >> Returning Student Instructions
Click Here >> Returning Student Instructions
New Student In-district AND/OR Any Preschool Student In-district (This includes non-resident students who were approved for enrollment)
Please complete the Google enrollment forms if:
1. You live within the district but you are a new student at USD 270.
2. You live within the district and you are a new preschool student.
Click Here >> New Student In District New PK Student In District Form
Open Enrollment for Out-of-District (Nonresident) Student Available June 1st - June 30th
Application approval will be determined by July 15th.
Please complete this form if you are a new student AND you do not live within the district.
Click Here >> Nonresident Enrollment and Capacity Application